Saturday, October 4, 2008

Snow ducks & ice skates

I've been busy the last few days embroidering handkerchiefs and sewing felt in to the shape of a duck. Oh, and knitting a teeny scarf for the duck. It's all quite exciting.

So, even though it's only October I've already snatched up two "holiday" themed magazines. I'm telling you, I live for Christmas. I bought two "holiday" scented Febreeze air fresheners yesterday, too. (I don't know why they can't just say Christmas. If you're making an air freshener to smell like pine needles or apples and cinnammon, you're making it to smell like Christmas!) Anyway, my inner Martha Stewart has begun to show her face and I'm marking recipes and gathering craft supplies. It's going to be my best Christmas yet. Finn's parent's are coming over to Canada for Christmas, along with his sister from Boston so it will be a packed few weeks of sightseeing and cooking and general merriment. I can't wait.

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